On my way to catch a bus here in Ulaanbaatar just the other day, I gave some serious thought to ..
Just For Today .. Just This One Time .. I will NOT be in a rush to catch a bus.
Below is a link to my thoughts.
Appendix II in the Big Book talks about a spiritual awakening or a spiritual experience being a change within us.
Step 6 is about character defects. Being impatient is one of my character defects that I must work at improving. You don't rid yourself of a character defect. You replace it with a character affect.
Just some thoughts should you wish to consider them.
1. Энэхүү вэбсайтын цорын ганц зорилго нь Монгол Улс дах оюун ухаан болон бие махбодын хувьд эдгэрэх найдваргүй мэт санагдах тэдгээр хүмүүст эдгэрэхэд нь туслах зорилготой юм.... 2. Энэ бол ТАНЫ ВЭБСАЙТ. Бид таны санал хүсэлт, тайлбарыг дуртайяа хүлээн авах болно.... 3. Энэхүү вэбсайт нь А.А г төлөөлж байгаа биш юм. Энд байгаа бүх итгэл үнэмшил болон санаанууд нь энд оролцохыг сонгосон хувь хүн бүрийн санаа болох нь тодорхой бөгөөд АА аас ямар нэгэн зүйл тусгаагүй юм....
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Being patient IS a spiritual experience. Time is what time is and, if we can accept that, life gets much gentler and more graceful. Thank you for the reminder! Smiles, Patti
ReplyDeleteAnd THANK YOU so very much for a comment here. A spiritual experience is a change within and we can make up our minds to evoke such changes IF we want to do so. My pleasure!