1. The sole purpose of this website is to assist those in Mongolia to further enhance their recovery from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body.

2. This is your website. We want and we welcome your suggestions and comments.

3. This website and any content herein does not represent A.A. and is not endorsed by A.A.W.S. All opinions are those of the individuals who choose to participate here.

Sunday, December 29, 2024


 Today is a special day here in Mongolia.

Today is Mongolian Independence day.

Mongolia Independence Day, celebrated every December 29, is a day of great glory and happiness for the Mongols, who gained freedom after years of being under the Qing China rule. Also known as National Revolution of Freedom and Independence Day, this holiday commemorates Mongolia’s autonomy. This day is all about showing love for Mongolia, raising the national flag, dining out, and of course viewing some awesome fireworks! This year, step up your game and celebrate the amazing day like never before. After all, the country’s independence is something that should be cherished and applauded till the end of time.

Mongolia had been under the Chinese Qing dynasty rule for quite some time. However, due to several differences with the Chinese rulers, the Mongolians craved a state of their own. Like any other nation that is taken over, the biggest problem Mongolia experienced was the fight for the retention of their culture, which was slowly being replaced by the Chinese way of life. During the 20th century, the fire for independence grew and the Mongols started to take action to free the nation from the Qing dynasty.

In May 1911, the Xinhai Revolution overthrew the Qing dynasty and established the Republic of China. Seeing that the Chinese had problems of their own, the Mongols utilized the opportunity and managed to free themselves from Chinese rule. On December 29, 1911, Mongolia officially declared its independence from China. The spiritual leader of the Tibetan Buddhists was proclaimed the head of state. He was given the title of Bogd Khan of Mongolia. Unfortunately, Mongolia was only able to maintain a few years of peace and freedom before the Chinese returned to Mongolia and forcefully occupied the capital city. In fact, the Chinese also pushed the Mongolian government to sign a document that forfeited their autonomous status. At this point in time, Russian Bolsheviks stepped in to aid the Mongols

The Outer Mongolian Revolution took place in 1921 — a revolution that was fought with the help of Soviet troops. After the troops reclaimed Ulaanbaatar from the Chinese, Mongolia was declared independent once again. From 1921 until 1924, Mongolia worked to establish a new government..

Celebrate Independence Day with the joy of being sober! 

We do not have to drink alcohol in order to celebrate.

Happy Mongolian Independence Day to One and To All. 

Sunday, October 27, 2024

OCT 27, 24 .. OCTOBER.. THE 10th MONTH.. THE 10th STEP..

If I had to name just one step that I personally feel is the most important to me, it would be Step 10.

Doctor Bob's last words to Bill W. were.. 

"Remember Bill, let's not louse this thing up. Let's keep it simple."

Some members may not know that, until the Big Book was written, beginning in 1938 and published on April 10th, 1939, there were no steps to be followed. 

The one and most important thing we share with the early members, is the magic of one alcoholic working with another alcoholic sharing their own experience.

Written by Bill W. and published in 1953, 18 years after Bill and Doctor Bob met and began what was to become AA, The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (The 12 and 12) explains the 24 basic principles of Alcoholics Anonymous and their application.

Below, on page 92 of the 12 and 12, in my humble opinion, are some of the most important words in all of written recovery literature..

Finally, we begin to see that all people, including ourselves, are to some extent emotionally ill as well as frequently wrong, and then we approach true tolerance and see what real love for our fellows actually means. It will become more and more evident as we go forward that it is pointless to become angry, or to get hurt by people who, like us, are suffering from the pains of growing up.

So there you have it. October. Step 10. 

Your Ally .. Kanbaatar

Thursday, July 11, 2024



Every year, the Naadam Holiday is celebrated in Mongolia from July 11 to July 15. Mongolians passionately commemorate their nomadic lifestyle and heritage over the course of five days. The event begins on Revolution Day, Mongolia’s National Day, which commemorates the country’s independence from China on July 11, 1921. 

The festival is also locally termed "eriin gurvan naadam" (эрийн гурван наадам), "the three games of men"

The Naadam festival is officially hosted in Mongolia’s capital, Ulaanbaatar, and tickets are required for the opening and closing ceremonies, as well as certain other activities like wrestling. The celebrations, also known as ‘the three games of man’ revolve around three nomadic sports: archery, horse racing, and Mongolian wrestling.

Often, certainly not always, on an Important Holiday such as The Naadam Holiday, there can be a lot of alcoholic drinking. This can get us in trouble if we are not "on guard for the unguarded moment".

So be safe. Enjoy the day. At the same time, have a plan so that if it looks like things are "getting out of hand" in terms of alcoholic drinking and partying, you have a way to leave a challenging situation. 

Best Wishes To All for a joyous Naadam Holiday.

Kanbaatar .. 

Also Known As .. Baba Kaps and Cap

Saturday, January 27, 2024


Above is a pleasant photo that I shapped of the Park's Highway, near Healy, Alaska in the United States.

 For What It's Worth, the World Health Organization has come out with a statement that.. No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health. 

If you would like to read more about this please click onto my below website.


And?? Let's NOT drink today.

Monday, January 1, 2024


Will all of you just look at this?

Year 2024 has arrived!

Where Oh Where Does The Time Go ?



Don't Drink no matter what!

There is no situation that will get better if we, as an Alcoholic, pick up that first drink.

Smiles .. Kanbaater