Step 9 is really something very special.
We will be amazed before we are halfway through (Step 9) ..
And then, here come the 9th Step Promises on pages 83 and 84 of the A.A. Big Book!!
Let's talk a second about the spiritual experiences we may very well experience when we make our amends.
Appendix II at the back of the A.A. Big Book simply says that a spriritual experience is a change in our relation to life itself and such a change could hardly have been brought about by ourselves.
When we make an amend we are (on the spot) doing something different (a change) in that we are recognizing that for us to get better we must change by making amends. And the 9th Step amends are exactly that, a real change.
One time I was about to get into an arguement with another member of the A.A. Fellowship. Suddenly (instantly) I realized that IF I said what I was thinking of saying then I would owe that member an amend and he who would also know this.
So? I kept my mouth shut and said nothing.
Wow! What a change.
God Bless and Best Wishes on your Spiritual Journey.