The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, Chapter 5, How It Works, page 59, states :
Step 1 .. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable.
I wonder how many members fully realize that there are two steps that come before we get to the above Step 1?
On page 58, prior to the steps that appear on pages 59 and 60 are the following words.
If you have decided you want what we have and are willing to go to any length to get it - then you are ready to take certain steps.
One has to want this program. Further one has to be willing to go to any length to get it.
So IF you want this program and are willing to go to any length to get it THEN you are ready to take the suggested twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.
What exactly is step 1.
Allow me to share a true story with you.
In 1950, I was sitting in a High School latin language class. Little did I know on that long ago school morning, that my life was about to change forever.
Sitting next to me on my left was a fellow student who was wearing eye glasses. Fooling around, as I tended to do in class, I reached over across his face with my right hand and I took off his eye glasses and put them on.
Oh My Gosh! I Can See The Blackboard! Oh My Gosh! I Can See The Leaves On The Trees Outside The Window!
You see? I did not know that I could not see normally. I did not know that I had a problem. If one does not know that one has a problem, there can not possibly be a solution to the problem.
This is what Step 1 is. Step 1 is the simple admission that one has a problem with alcohol.
This should be a simple yes or no. Yes I have a problem. No I do not have a problem.
Next month I will write about my thoughts on Step 2.
1. Энэхүү вэбсайтын цорын ганц зорилго нь Монгол Улс дах оюун ухаан болон бие махбодын хувьд эдгэрэх найдваргүй мэт санагдах тэдгээр хүмүүст эдгэрэхэд нь туслах зорилготой юм.... 2. Энэ бол ТАНЫ ВЭБСАЙТ. Бид таны санал хүсэлт, тайлбарыг дуртайяа хүлээн авах болно.... 3. Энэхүү вэбсайт нь А.А г төлөөлж байгаа биш юм. Энд байгаа бүх итгэл үнэмшил болон санаанууд нь энд оролцохыг сонгосон хувь хүн бүрийн санаа болох нь тодорхой бөгөөд АА аас ямар нэгэн зүйл тусгаагүй юм....
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